Billing Services for Your Podiatry Practice

Billing Services for Your Podiatry Practice

If you’ve looked into handling your own billing, you’ve probably discovered how difficult it can be to do this effectively. There are many ways to leave money on the table or end up with denied claims. Some of the time this might be due to simple errors, while other times it may have to do with a failure to see the big picture. This is no fault of your own; as a medical professional, you’re focused on doing what you do best! Understanding the convolutions and vagaries of the medical billing industry is a specialization all its own, which is why most podiatry practices rely on the expertise of an organization like Healthcare Revenue Group to handle their billing services.


Healthcare Revenue Group is laser-accurate in its coding practices. We keep abreast of any changes in the CMS guidelines that could result in delays or denials, if not appropriately digested into your revenue cycle. We code with a mind to avoiding red flags, so your cash flow is stronger and faster than ever before. And coding is just one of the ways we’ll help you see your accounts receivable shrink, while your practice is able to grow at the pace that’s comfortable for you.

Unlocking the Power of Your Software

We are experts in eClinicalWorks, NEMO Health’s TRAKnet, and NextGen. We’ll utilize the modular capacity of these systems to create a workflow that works best for you, and train your employees in its use. What’s more, this software creates a record of how your practice is running that allows us to analyze it in order to expand your insurance network effectively, and make recommendations to your workflow that can help you bring in even more revenue. It is incredibly efficient and effective to utilize the data you collect on a daily basis, as part of your normal operations, to understand how your practice can collect greater reimbursements.


It’s important that your patients know what they’re getting into whenever they accept treatment. Medicare and third-party insurers tend not to cover most routine foot care, flat foot, subluxations of the foot, supportive devices, and therapeutic shoes for patients with diabetes. We’ll help determine whether a specific service or product is covered by a patient’s insurance, and if not we can help your patients to set up a payment plan and receive their payments on your behalf. We even establish a phone number in your area code, which your patients can call with questions about their bills.

Rate Changes

Buried in the fine print of your contracts with insurers, you are likely to find clauses and stipulations that allow them to change rates on a whim. Using our expertise, we’ll help you establish more favorable terms with the insurance companies you’ve contracted with whenever those contracts are up for renegotiation. This could mean increasing your reimbursement rates for specific procedures or across the board, sometimes based on your contracts with other insurers. We’ll also help to avoid clauses that allow these companies to change any terms of the contract at will, which can catch you by surprise and result in lower reimbursement rates, or delays in payment.

Accounts Receivable Collection

If a bill appears to be languishing in accounts receivable, we will look into the situation and collect the payment. This could be the result of a coding error, credentialing delay, late out-of-pocket payments from a patient, or any other number of causes. We’ll make sure that no revenue slips out of the cycle.

No Long-Term Contracts

We don’t make you sign a long-term contract with us. We believe that the quality of our services is self-evident, and once you’ve experienced what we can do for your practice, you’ll want to stay with us. You’re free to stop our services at any time should you decide there is a better path forward for your practice.

Consider Healthcare Revenue Group for your podiatry practice’s billing services, credentialing and contracting. If you have questions about how we can help your practice stay revenue-positive and grow at a pace that’s comfortable for you, contact us today! We also have expertise with general practitioners and hearing care practices.

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